Tuesday 17 July 2012

Fantasy illustration

Ok so this is another part of my progress on the illustration I started in the last post I believe. 
I progressed from the idea of a victorious siege of a town to an army  of  evil elves that turn into stone upon the light hitting their skin. Also, I sunk the city.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Ok, recently I had some busy times moving out from the house I've been renting and since I've finished university I wanted to celebrate and spend my last few weeks with friends. 
It's been a wonderful three years guys and gals. 

I still don't know what I'll be doing with my life yet. I know I'm  starting a deathline challenge when I come back to Poland
I'll certainly try to get some art job going on and carry on with freelance. 
 A quick colour gesture study. Remember do quick ones whenever you can.
I've started a new "generic" fantasy scene I've been working on the composition lately. Usually I don't think about it so much and finally screw over the painting so this time I made sure I've done some sketches and tweaking around.

In the final composition I chose I carried on with making lots and lots of changes This is what I came up with.
Yeah I know it's not so great. I'll keep on working on it tomorrow.

Monday 2 July 2012

Tracists : P

This morning I found on facebook this post about a school in Singapore that teaches students how to paint through... tracing. When it comes to me I think it's already harmful, but they also use the traced images to market their school which is not fair at all for the actual artists.
Please read this article and repost it wherever you can

Also if you want to know why tracing is so bad go to Dan Warrens blog. He explains quite clearly why it's bad for you:

Sunday 1 July 2012

Naruto fanart

It's time for an update, since I wouldn't dare peak my head out without any art on my hands. This time I've got something new and different.

I was invited to a contest to design a naruto OC of one girl from DeviantART. I'm usually not fond of these type of things (and not a big Naruto fan), but this time I decided I can paint something for the sake of a practice. In the end it's painting a portrait. I had a lot of fun with it and it came along really nicely.

Since I've graduated I'll be getting some skills and a portfolio I'm happy with. Recently I saw this post on the Muddy Colors.

Also a reason I've not been on for so long, apart from procrastination and being lazy, is that I've been having some commissions I can't show.
One's the biggest one I've had so far, I'm making about 20 odd paintings for a game called Ancient Apocalypse. I got pretty cool topic of barbaric wolf man tribes.
I've got to finish only about 7 more paintings only, and two more of a different race, but for now I can't talk about it too much.
btw soon I'll be moving back to Poland, so stay tuned.