Tuesday 20 March 2012

In this update I'm adding another photostudies, this time a viking style wood carving and some gesture sketches for my Norn piece, that's why I tried to find photographs with triple characters on them.
I've also added a new sketch I've been working on. This time it's Frey (or Freyr) one of the gods from the norse pantheon. He is a god of nature fertility, peace, farming and weather. The realm of elves is under his jurisdiction. He owns a dwarf made boar on which he rides.

Sunday 18 March 2012

The first rough sketch for an illustration shows Norns three Nordic entities that are responsible for fate. Behind them there would be a spring of wisdom. In the bare trunk of the ash tree Yggdrasil there would be a dragon Nidhogg, that according to the Scandinavian myths bites the tree roots. This will create an eerie illustration making the consumer want to get to know more about the world and the product.
Below there are photostudies with sketched out tree roots.

Saturday 17 March 2012

I've done some oak tree studies, because one of my new paintings is going to be Yggdrasil the ash tree. The vikings believed that on its branches were nine worlds. I thought the oak would be a good choice since it has a tradition of being a holy pagan tree.

Thursday 15 March 2012

These are the first photostudies of friends from a viking history reconstruction group I belong to. Tomorrow I'll post some of the other people.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

I finished off the last inside of a hall and did some more varied photostudies; a drinking horn and a drakkar.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Today I have been studying Norse architecture and done these photostudies sourced from google search. I have observed watching other artists streaming their studies that to practise their skills they use a lot of images found on google.images. This is also a good way of quickly referencing materials and objects.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Photostudy of a warrior.

This is work relevant to my new changed university project I plan on. It's going to be a portfolio of illustrations based on Nordic Sagas and myths and legends.
This blog will feature everything starting from anatomy and photo studies, to rough concept sketches, and anything that will progress my project.

The two above images are an eyeballed photostudies done to skill my perception.