Yesterday awesome horse studios decided to stream Marc Scheff testing an innovative way of brainstorming ideas, by Sterling Hundley. He is a The Art Department teacher and a renown illustrator.
The approach to the topic is based on word combinations that are not obvious at the first glance.
Firstly, the most important key words are chosen, and written down. Underneath them in columns all the possible association's are listen, everything you can think of connected to the key words. Afterwords little thumbnail images are drawn out. This creates a base of thoughts ideas and snippets of new combinations. These have to be linked into new ideas and from these new thumbnails are produced.
Application - I have tried to apply the idea to my project. I wrote down some words and bridged them, then from the phrases I came up with I drew down some thumbnails. I have made at least a one big mistake, which is choosing a very broad aspect. This method is good for making book covers and film posters, not really concept art. It helps to create an innovative image that doesn't let a lot out to the viewer but makes them interested in the franchise so they want to research it more. It possibly could have quite a lot advantages in the process of working on concept arts, however the list would have to be excessively massive, or a new document should be created for each few concepts. Since in the games industry the speed is what counts and concept art usually are sets of simple images showcasing the world and its elements this method has little to offer for now. I think I will just stick with my casual way of sketching down thumbnail images, and use this technique while working on more elaborate illustrations.

I took an attempt at acrylics and painted this sketch of a viking from a photo by CrestfallenWitch
Morning studies.
Another wip of Conans father. The point of this exrcise is getting the hang of painting different types of hair, and fur. Also I practiced painting faces by the way. I'm quite bad at that too.